Just Recipes. No bullshit.

Strawberry shortcake

July 07, 2018

The best way to enjoy freshly picked strawberries, aside from popping them directly into your mouth, is to prepare strawberry shortcake (with homemade shortcake and whipped cream). This recipe is based on one from the [New York Times](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/11823-strawberry-shortcake). Serves two, plus some extra shortbread.

Za'atar Tuna Quinoa Salad

July 02, 2018

A filling, protein-packed lunch. Works great with warm or cold quinoa. Feel free to improvise the veggies. In-season tomatoes would make a great addition.

Peach booch spritzer

July 01, 2018

Learned this one from my BFF. Inspired by white sangria but healthier, maybe :)

My breakfast smoothie

July 01, 2018

My criteria for a Good Smoothie: (1) contains veggies (otherwise it's too much like dessert); (2) contains a bunch of protein, which will keep you sated for longer. Bonus points if it includes some live probiotics, e.g. yogurt.

Easy Instant Pot Raw Milk Yogurt

June 28, 2018

I've tried making both raw and pasturized yogurt in the Instant Pot, but I vastly prefer using raw milk because the recipe is far easier!